Our Disney trip was nice and relaxing. We got to enjoy Halloween, the Food & Wine Festival and celebrate Alon's Birthday while done there. We had a wonderful time walking EPCOT almost nightly so we could try out different foods and wines from around the world. We also got to enjoy Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party on Halloween night. They had wonderful fireworks and a villain parade lead by a headless horseman. Aimee of course fell asleep before both events started, but did get to enjoy some candy she got while trick or treating in the park.
Aimee at Playhouse Disney, her favorite place in MGM Studio. The kids can dance and listen to a few playhouse disney stories.
Aimee had to get another haircut while there too.
This was Aimee's favorite ride while at Magic Kingdom. She loved holding her hands up in the air and screaming with excitement throughout the whole ride. Princess Aimee all dressed and ready to go meet Princess Belle.
During Belle's story time Aimee got picked to go up on stage and help. She played Chip and did a wonderful job!
Aimee also got to meet her two favorite princesses!
Grandma Alon and Tigger blowing out Grandma's birthday candles.
Aimee showing Minnie her new Minnie ears with her name on them.
Aimee wanted this picture for Nana since she knows Nana loves pluto!
We did breakfast one morning with the Little Eintsteins, JoJo, & Goliath. She had a great time dancing with JoJo & Goliath. She didn't care to much about meeting the Little Einsteins though.
Getting a big hug from JoJo.
Tom, Alon, and Dale during our dinner with Mickey and friends.
Mickey came over and helped sprinkle mickey head sprinkles on Aimee's cupcake she got to decorate for desert.
Aimee though Mickey's nose would honk, but it didn't! Had to have a family picture with the Mouse himself! We finally found Figment after riding Journey into Imagination with Figment. Aimee and I found Beast with Belle in Germany at EPCOT. She was happy to see Belle, but was scared to death of the Beast. Belle showed Aimee the Beast was nice and finally got her to take a picture with the two of them! On our way into the park one night we found these two goofing around, but Aimee was asleep. We did get a picture of them trying to wake her up, but she kept sleeping. Once she woke we came back and they all got a chance to play. Aimee loves these two because they are so playful, just like a child!
Aimee wanted to wear her new Christmas dress Papa & Nana got for her so we figured we'd do some pictures in front of our tree. She loves her Christmas dress and loved wearing her Christmas PJ's while getting to eat cookies. She has become very photogenic when Tom is taking her picture. She posed herself for the two pictures of her in her Christmas dress! She also made sure Daddy let her see the back of the camera after each picture was taken.
Well our baby is 2.5 today and time really seems to of gotten away from us. She really isn't a baby anymore and truly is a big girl now. The first picture was taken at a local farm and Aimee was looking at the goats. Second picture is of Tom and Aimee looking at the sloth bears at DC Zoo. Enjoy the new pictures and will post more soon.
Today we decided to go to Ocean City Beach for the day. Aimee loved it and called the beach a "big sandbox". There are a bunch of different play ground pieces along the beach for the kids to climb on, swing or go down the slides. Aimee loved it and kept going so fast she landed on the sand on her bottom, but giggled the whole time. We also played mini golf with Aimee for the first time and she was so much fun to watch try and hit her pink ball. One point mommy accidently hit her ball into the water and Aimee walked over to the edge and threw her ball into the water so it could be with mommy's ball and not lonely. We are still working on trying to get her to hold the club correctly, but she did pretty good hitting it into the hole or trying to hit our balls into the hole after she got hers in. We didn't go near the water, but she could see it and kept asking to go swimming. We told her next year we'll go back and spend a few days so she can swim and play on the beach again. Hope everyone enjoys and had a great weekend!
We took Aimee to a local farm where she got to ride a horse. She loved riding him and has gotten pretty good at holding herself up without any help. They have pony rides usually, but today the pony was being used for a birthday party so all the other kids got to ride the big horse. She now is asking to go back and ride him again since she had so much fun!
We took Aimee apple picking today and came home with a 1/2 bucket of apples. Daddy and Aimee had fun reaching into trees and pulling out apples. it took Aimee a few tries to pull them out, but she got the hang of it pretty quickly.
We took Aimee to Seabreeze amusement park and she got to go on her 1st roller coaster. She loved going on all of the kiddie rides by herself, but her favorite ride was the coaster that we did 4 times. She even let Tom go on it twice with her and would just giggle the entire time!
We took Aimee to NY to see Ralph & Nancy's new home. We had a great trip and Aimee loved being on plane ride. We got to the local zoo, Strong Children's museum and meet up with a fellow friend and her son. The kids had a bast at the play ground and the mommies had fun talking. We had a great visit and can't wait to go back soon. Aimee now points out every plane in the sky.